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New EDM Music release Producer Dojo Cypher 15

Cypher 015: Space Station Beats

The monthly Producer Dojo Cyphers are resulting in some epic tunes being made. This time the Cypher is curated by Moonsplatta, an artist who has been a part of the Dojo since its founding and he was featured on the original ‘Class Of 808’ Volume 1. 

The tunes are epic, sometimes even galactically bass driven, kicking off with a brutally tough drum step tune by UHNK, followed by a Moonsplatta tune full of moonbass moguls that keep the bounce alive. MESSEA keeps the whomps and sub theme alive with some tripped out spacey textures and a rolling bass that is infectious. SEDA brings us a little bit of that Alien energy with laser bass blurbs for days and Spiderhound rounds things off nicely with a beautiful vocal tune that brings us in for safe landing. 

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