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edm production tutorial for checkerboarding

How To Checkerboard Sounds | Rhythm EDM Arrangement


Improve your EDM arrangement and make better electronic rhythms by learning how to properly checkerboard the sounds in a song. Checkerboarding is an edm arrangement exercise that helps you phase sounds in and out in your song. Learning to checkerboard your sounds will improve your music workflow and help you create a rhythmic groove and lead riff that is undeniably captivating.

There can be a ton of sounds in your song, but you don’t want to have them all at the same time. At most you want to have 7 total sounds at a time making the rhythm and 1 extra sound being the lead riff, or main solo-like sound.

7 Sounds of a Rhythm
Snare or Clap
Hat or Shaker

Crash or Splash
Sub Bass
Turn Around

1 Lead Riff
The lead riff does not have to be the same sound, the whole time. Let the different sounds in your lead riff take turns.

Call and Response
The call and response technique is like a type of checkerboarding technique used for two sounds, or two variations of sounds. One sound being the call and the other sound being the response. Or maybe it is up an octave and down an octave. Call and response is great for vocals and Musical Phrasing.

Rhythm Guides
Rhythm guides are a helpful tool for creating consistent BPMs in dance music. Making a rhythm guide can be extremely helpful when you first start making a song in Ableton or other DAWs. Check out our free edm dance tutorial How To Make Music That Inspires Choreography to learn how to make basic rhythm guide.

The Purple Cow
Purple cow sounds are made during a sound design session. Organizing your music workflow into different studio sessions will help you be more prepared when you sit down to make an awesome new edm song. Learn more about organizing your sounds in a studio sound design session a a free edm tutorial about How To Make Your Music Stand Out.

EDM Ableton Template for making Electronic Music by ill.Gates.
learn edm workflow

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